Women’s Circle 100


We are inviting you to join Women’s Circle 100, a fundraiser by Harney Hospital Foundation. Our purpose is to help improve and expand healthcare at Harney County Health District.

With Circle 100, we’re keeping it simple, so you know exactly what we’re asking from you: One annual meeting + one annual check for $100. No more, we promise.

The goal? To create a giving circle with 100 women donating $100 each, so together we generate $10,000 for Harney Hospital Foundation. 

Bonus this year: For every $100 donation, you will be entered into a drawing for a gift card to a local business.

Because we are concerned for your safety, the 2020 event will be held virtually.

To become a member of Women‘s Circle 100, simply watch three brief video presentations and make your donation and selection online. Online voting will close August 17.

If you prefer to vote by mail, simply print the ballot, make your selection, enclose your donation, and mail it to P.O. Box 1025, Burns, OR 97720 by August 14.

If you have questions, please call Foundation Manager Elisha Miller at 541-573-8609 or email foundation@harneydh.com.

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