2022 Men’s Guild 100

Gentlemen, Harney Hospital Foundation invites you to join the 5Th annual Men’s Guild Thursday, March 31 at the Central Hotel in Burns. The social begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner and presentations at 6 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to support healthcare in Harney County!

Join the Men’s Guild

Our purpose is to help improve and expand healthcare at Harney County Health District. With Men’s Guild, we’re keeping it simple, so you know exactly what we’re asking from you: One annual meeting + one annual check for $100. No more, we promise.

What is a guild?

An association of people coming together to provide mutual aid or pursue a common goal.

We should be proud to be part of a community that has such a fine medical facility. As you know, maintaining, improving, and expanding services requires our ongoing support. That’s why we’re asking you to join Men’s Guild 100.

How do I join?

Bring your $100 donation to the annual meeting on Thursday, March 31. Enjoy a free dinner and no-host bar while getting to know the community’s movers and shakers. Watch a few brief presentations and decide how you would like your contribution to be used. After a successful evening of fun and fundraising, go home until next year, knowing that you helped the Harney Hospital Foundation improve healthcare in Harney County!

Are you interested in joining us? RSVP to Elisha Miller at 541-573-8609 or email foundation@harneydh.com.

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